Confidently guide yourself and your team through the complexity of change in the Age of AI.

The rate at which technological change is accelerating is not just significant; it's exponential in a way that has the power to reshape entire industries, from education to healthcare to banking and more.

In this book, you will learn a strategic growth framework that can be applied to any industry—not just banking-while discovering practical strategies for avoiding common pitfalls that can quickly steal your time, energy, and attention.

With proven models and methodologies that integrate ancient wisdom with practical modern-day strategies, Banking on Change is your ultimate guide to navigating the complexities of change so you can achieve exponential growth with courage and confidence.


It’s quick and easy to jumpstart your Banking on Change journey as you get coached directly by James Robert Lay. He will share his favorite strategic thinking tools while holding you accountable so that you can achieve exponential growth.

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Step 2: Join the Challenge

Step 3: Invite a Friend

Chapter 1: Do You Care Enough for Growth?


This chapter explores the foundational mindset required for personal and organizational growth, emphasizing the importance of caring deeply about the outcomes. James Robert Lay argues that caring is not just an emotional stance but a strategic approach that can drive substantial growth. The chapter illustrates how caring more deeply than competitors can create a competitive advantage and foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Key Insights:

  • Caring deeply about growth is a strategic asset, not just a moral stance.

  • Leaders who demonstrate genuine care for their employees and customers are more likely to inspire loyalty and drive.

  • The commitment to growth must be both personal and organizational to effect meaningful change.

Chapter 2: Ascend the Apex of Awareness


In this chapter, Lay delves into the concept of awareness in the business context, describing it as critical to navigating the modern digital landscape. He discusses the various levels of awareness leaders must develop—from self-awareness to market awareness—and how these insights can lead to better strategic decisions. The chapter provides tools and techniques for enhancing awareness and preparing leaders to respond proactively to changes in their industry.

Key Insights:

  • Awareness extends beyond knowing oneself; it includes understanding competitors, market conditions, and internal team dynamics.

  • Enhanced awareness can prevent strategic missteps and position a company to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

  • Regularly updating and expanding one's awareness can sustain long-term organizational agility and competitiveness.

Chapter 3: Commit to Cross the 7 Cs


Chapter 3 introduces the '7 Cs'—a set of principles that Lay suggests are essential for effective leadership and organizational success in the digital age. Each 'C' represents a vital area of focus, including Courage, Clarity, and Collaboration, among others. This framework guides leaders in crafting a culture that embraces change and drives digital transformation efforts.

Key Insights:

  • The 7 Cs framework serves as a roadmap for leaders seeking to navigate digital transformation.

  • Committing to these principles requires a shift in mindset from traditional leadership styles to more adaptive, responsive approaches.

  • Effective implementation of the 7 Cs can enhance every facet of an organization, from employee engagement to customer satisfaction.

Chapter 4: Transcend the Territory of Transformation


Chapter 4 tackles the challenges and opportunities of leading transformational change within organizations. Lay emphasizes the need for leaders to not only initiate but also sustain transformation by transcending traditional boundaries and embracing innovative practices. He highlights the importance of aligning organizational goals with digital advancements and customer expectations to drive meaningful change.

Key Insights:

  • Transformation requires more than just technological change; it demands a cultural shift.

  • Leaders must champion the transformation process by being proactive and involved.

  • Sustaining transformation involves continuous learning and adaptation to new trends and technologies.

Chapter 5: Exponential Growth Begins Within


This chapter explores the internal drivers of exponential growth, focusing on the mindset shifts necessary for leaders and organizations to achieve significant strides. Lay discusses how internal growth—through personal development, mindset shifts, and skill enhancements—can lead to external success. He provides strategies for cultivating a growth-oriented culture that encourages innovation and continuous improvement.

Key Insights:

  • Personal development of leaders is crucial for organizational growth.

  • A growth mindset needs to be nurtured within the organization to encourage innovation.

  • Internal barriers to growth, such as fear of failure and resistance to change, must be addressed.

Chapter 6: Become a Digital Stoic to Achieve Exponential Growth


In Chapter 6, Lay introduces the concept of the 'Digital Stoic,' a new leadership persona that combines ancient Stoic principles with modern digital leadership requirements. He argues that leaders who adopt stoic principles such as emotional resilience, clarity of thought, and focus can better navigate the complexities of the digital age. The chapter offers practical tips for leaders to develop stoicism in their professional lives and leverage it for digital transformation.

Key Insights:

  • Stoic principles can help leaders maintain clarity and composure in the face of digital disruptions.

  • Emotional resilience is key to dealing with the fast-paced and frequent changes in digital environments.

  • Digital Stoics use their philosophy to drive decision-making, strategy development, and team leadership.

Chapter 7: Accelerate Transformation Through Agile Growth


Chapter 7 discusses the importance of agility in fostering transformation and achieving growth. Lay presents agile methodologies as essential tools for businesses looking to adapt quickly to market changes and technological advancements. He outlines how adopting an agile mindset can lead to more responsive, customer-focused, and resilient organizations.

Key Insights:

  • Agile methodologies are not just for tech teams; they can transform how entire organizations operate.

  • Agility helps businesses stay competitive by allowing them to pivot quickly in response to external pressures and opportunities.

  • Incorporating feedback loops and iterative processes is crucial for continuous improvement and growth.

Chapter 8: Learn for Clarity


In this chapter, Lay emphasizes the role of continuous learning in achieving clarity and foresight in business decisions. He argues that a commitment to learning helps leaders and organizations understand complex environments and foresee future trends. The chapter provides strategies for establishing learning as a core organizational value.

Key Insights:

  • Continuous learning is essential for maintaining clarity in a rapidly changing business landscape.

  • Organizations should foster environments where questioning and knowledge sharing are encouraged.

  • Learning should be aligned with strategic goals to ensure it directly supports business objectives.

Chapter 9: Think With Courage


Chapter 9 explores the necessity of courageous thinking to push beyond comfort zones and challenge the status quo. Lay describes how thinking with courage can lead to groundbreaking innovations and drive significant change. He offers insights into how leaders can cultivate courage within their teams and make bold decisions confidently.

Key Insights:

  • Courageous thinking is often the precursor to innovation and market leadership.

  • Leaders must model courage by taking calculated risks and supporting their teams in doing the same.

  • Creating a safe environment for experimentation is key to encouraging courageous thinking.

Chapter 10: Do With Confidence


This chapter delves into the importance of executing plans with confidence to ensure successful outcomes. Lay discusses how confidence in leadership can inspire confidence throughout the organization, leading to enhanced performance and goal attainment. He provides practical tips for building confidence among leaders and their teams.

Key Insights:

  • Confidence in execution is as crucial as strategic planning.

  • Building confidence requires transparency, consistent communication, and recognition of team efforts.

  • Confident leadership helps mitigate fear and uncertainty within teams, fostering a more productive work environment.

Chapter 11: Review for Progress


Chapter 11 emphasizes the importance of regular reviews for assessing progress towards organizational goals. Lay discusses how structured reviews can provide critical insights into what is working and what needs adjustment. He advocates for a systematic approach to evaluating both successes and setbacks to inform continuous improvement.

Key Insights:

  • Regular progress reviews are crucial for staying aligned with long-term goals.

  • Effective reviews should be both reflective and forward-looking, assessing past performance and planning future actions.

  • Encouraging open dialogue and honest feedback during reviews can enhance learning and development across the organization.

Chapter 12: The Leader’s Guide to Achieve Exponential Growth


The final chapter synthesizes the themes of the book into a comprehensive guide for leaders aiming to achieve exponential growth. Lay outlines a strategic framework that integrates the insights from the previous chapters, focusing on leadership practices that can drive significant and sustainable growth. He stresses the importance of vision, adaptability, and resilience as core qualities of successful leaders in the digital age.

Key Insights:

  • Exponential growth requires a combination of visionary leadership, strategic execution, and continuous adaptation.

  • Leaders must be proactive in embracing change and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and risk-taking.

  • Building and maintaining a growth-oriented culture is essential for sustained success in rapidly evolving markets.

The Banking on Change Method is trusted by growth-minded brands inspiring human transformation around the world.