The Age of AI spares no one from its transformative power.

This can make even the best growth-minded leaders and their teams feel:




So they go out and buy some new technology, thinking it will help solve their problems to unlock new growth in the Age of AI.

But then something happens…

1. Confusion increases

2. Employees burnout

3. Brand trust declines

4. Customers churn

5. Sales are lost

These teams forgot the role of human transformation in the Age of AI.

But it doesn’t have to be this way for you and your team when you host a Banking on Change Foundations Workshop to:

  1. Benchmark your progress so you gain clarity

  2. Identify growth goals to increase alignment

  3. Breakthrough roadblocks to increase confidence

  4. Elevate the team’s courage and commitment

  5. Learn new strategic tools that unlock new growth

Who is the Foundations Workshop ideal for? The Banking on Change Foundations Workshop is ideal for teams of 8 - 15 people who have read or are reading Banking on Change and want to begin to apply the methodologies they have learned.

What should I expect from the Foundations Workshop? Your Banking on Change Foundations Workshop begins with a kickoff call, followed by a diagnostic assessment that takes each participating team member 15-20 minutes to complete. This assessment helps you gain an objective understanding of your team’s alignment and how each individual naturally takes action or solves problems.

From there, your Banking on Change Foundations Workshop unfolds over the course of one day as you and your team are guided through a mix of strategic thinking activities and group discussions framed around your unique situation. Together, you learn practical strategic thinking tools that increase team alignment while ensuring you move forward and make progress every 90 days.

What happens after the Foundations Workshop? Following your Banking on Change Foundations Workshop, you and your team will have the option to continue forward into the 90-Day Banking on Change Boot Camp. This guarantees you will continue to move forward and make progress through monthly workshops and team coaching as you build new habits while learning new tools.

How much is the Foundations Workshop? The Banking on Change Foundation Workshops start at $10,000.

The Banking on Change Foundations Workshop Process

Schedule Your Banking on Change Foundations Workshop

The Banking on Change Method is trusted by growth-minded brands inspiring human transformation around the world.